Day 26

World Venture was founded by local churches to fulfill the Great Commission. It began with prayer, May 24, 1943. As World War II was raging on, churches were in conflict over the historic beliefs of the Christian faith. While some turned away from the authority of Scripture and the divinity of Jesus, many other faithful followers of Christ wanted to continue sharing the truth of the Bible and the good news of Jesus throughout the world. And they wanted to send out missionaries with the same love and conviction.

It was in this historical context, wrestling with these questions of faith, that approximately 75 Christian leaders met in Chicago, Illinois to pray and seek a way forward. While on their knees in prayer, they took a history-making stand. WorldVenture, then known as the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (CBFMS), was born and incorporated that year to assist churches in training, sending, and supporting missionaries with an unwavering commitment to the authority of the Bible and the proclamation of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

After more than 75 years of ministry, millions of people have been impacted by God and His work through the ministry of WorldVenture and our ministry partners. Today, WorldVenture supports global workers in more than 65 countries across all six inhabited continents. Together, we are engaging the world for gospel impact with a vision to see multitudes of disciples compelled by the love of God and willing to risk all so that people are transformed by God, impacting their families, communities, and world. (

Billions don't know Jesus. We're not okay with that. Please pray with us that we remain steadfast and creative in searching for more workers and new ways to tell the Good News.

Praying for Global Missions

Billions of people don't know Jesus. We're not okay with that. At WorldVenture we join the churches of the Church Venture Northwest in longing for and laboring toward that day when all people groups are represented in the body of Christ. In light of that, here are some prayer requests:

  • There are over 70 Appointees needing prayer and financial partners so they can launch to their places of ministry.
  • There are new reports of disciples in North Africa, pray for a full-on revival.
  • The Japanese are one of the largest unreached people groups in the world and yet readily accessible, it is time for a harvest there.
  • Matthew 9:38 the laborers are too few, therefore pray earnestly.