Day 10

Lower Columbia

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Praying for Our Churches

Located in the Northwest, the Lower Columbia Association represents churches in four counties that are as diverse as the landscape. Some are small with bi-vocational pastors, others are large with multiple pastors. While every community is different, people share common struggles. Income equality, single parent households, domestic violence, addiction, homelessness, lack of services and high wage jobs are some of the issues that the churches of the Lower Columbia Association have the privilege of ministering to as we share the gospel message which brings salvation, hope and healing for those who are weary and weak.

  • Pray for the spiritual, mental, and physical health of the pastors and staff in our churches.
  • Pray for protection from the enemy as we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of God.
  • Pray for boldness as we share the gospel with people who are afraid, socially distant, and unwilling to join group activities.
  • Pray for creativity and the courage to try new things as our churches attempt to meet the difficult and overwhelming needs of our communities.
  • Pray for wisdom as we seek to encourage those in our churches to grow as disciples of Christ in spiritual maturity and wisdom.
  • Pray that the association pastors grow in their connection as they minister to one-another as they serve alongside one-another.